Tuesday 14 February 2012

Amsterdam Winter Wonderland - Unreal

Slightly edited shot of people enjoying the Winter in Amsterdam. Taken with my Sony HX1.

Oh man, did we all just LOVE and enjoy that last weekend, frozen canals from here to Tokyo, sunshine all day long, and 17 million people on ice skates snazzily scraping over the ice-covered surfaces of the best country in the world, what a riot, what fun! In case you have missed them, here are some previous shots of a whole country collectively going bonkers over something that would upset most other people, but that's just how we roll, give us water and we'll sail over it to discover and conquer new countries, ice us over and freeze our butts off, and we'll put on skates and create a dreamy Winter Wonderland scenario that would make Walt Disney cry like a wee little baby if he was still alive, because even he could not make this look any lovelier and wickeder than it already does, lol :D

Have a good start into the new week, take it easy!

I've made a lof of movies of the people enjoying the frozen canals in Amsterdam too, check them out on my YouTube channel, thank you :)


Amsterdam photos

Wicked reflections


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