Friday 22 June 2012


Slightly edited shot of people in Amsterdam. Taken with my Sony HX1.

Thank God it's Friday! I am so lucky and blessed that I can stay home today, and enjoy a lazy day, while everybody else has to go to work and slave away, counting the hours until the special time of the week starts. The crazy thing is, we have this new law in Holland for 3 years or so now, where it states that if you ask your Employer if you can work less hours, let's say 36, or 32, instead of the customary 40, they can't say No, unless the whole company depends on your showing up 5 instead of 4 days each week, plus you will receive almost the same salary, after taxes, as you do for a fulltime job, it's only the before-taxes salary that looks a lot less! I seem to be one of the very few people who know about this secret, so I figured sharing it here with you on the Interwebs might inspire some of you to look at their personal situation and to actually go to their boss next Monday and say 'Hey boss, I realized I'll make pretty much the same money working one day less every week, so why don't you do all the work by yourself on Fridays as of now?'. Do it, you know you want to, and it's reallyreallyreally good for you :)

Thank God it's Friday! Have a wicked weekend :)

Amsterdam photos

Wicked reflections

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