Thursday 31 May 2012


Unedited shot of people reflected in a puddle in Amsterdam. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop :)

I have gotten so used to taking wicked puddle reflections wherever I go, that I sometimes forget that they are anything special, for me it's just a natural habit or a reflex, see a wet spot, grab my phone or cam, shoot, boom, done, let's move on with our lives. Those people who are not me, a majority, are sometimes uninitiated in the art of puddle shooting, some might even never have seen any of my pictures before and could possibly experience an effect of breathlessness, nausea or feelings of utter disorientation, this should not last very long, put your head between your legs, take deep breaths and keep telling yourself "It's just water! Really, it's just water! There is no Voodoo involved, it's just water! Aaaarrrrgggghhhhh!", and everything should be back to normal in a few minutes, if not, welcome to my world, hahaha :D

I've made a wicked reflection movie of this puddle too, check it out on my YouTube channel, thank you :)


Amsterdam photos

Wicked reflections

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