Sunday 15 January 2012

...The Wicked...

Slightly edited shot of myself reflected in Amsterdam. Taken with my HTC Desire. No editing besides some added contrast and saturation, no magic tricks, no Photoshop :)

My first set of self-reflections of 2012, yay! Too bad it's Monday again and I have to go back to work today, or I would celebrate this by spoiling myself with a lazy day, but yeah, I need the money, so I'm going to hop on my bike now and pedal to the office, counting down the hours until it's finally weekend again. I even bought a lotto ticket last weekend, to break out of the rat race by achieving a status of financial independance, but just like the last time I tried, about a month ago, I only won a free ticket, no money, and this gives me a good feeling, if I keep going, eventually this perpetuum mobile of free tickets buying me the next free ticket will eventually bring me the Jackpot for sure! It's just a question of time, but yeah, I've got more time than money, hehehe :)

Amsterdam photos

Wicked reflections

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