Tuesday, 3 January 2012


Slightly edited shot of my pants. Taken with my Sony HX1.

Last week Tuesday I had a bike accident, my knee was injured and bleeding profusely, but luckily I had, for the first time in my life, bought some plaster a few weeks earlier, so I stuck one on the bad spot and went back to work the next day. Unfortunately my knee started bleeding again, blood seeping through the plaster and my pants, creating some red spots that I largely ignored, until yesterday, when I wanted to put the pants into the washing machine, imagine my surprise when I noticed that the blood spots created a face, gasp! I'm not saying it's Jesus or anything, but I think there's a face clearly visible...or maybe I hit my head too in the accident, and I am simply seeing things that are not there, you tell me, lol :D

P.s. I've fiddled around with contrast and saturation, to make it easier to spot the face, no further editing or added Jesusness, hehehe :)

Amsterdam photos

Wicked reflections


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