Tuesday, 24 January 2012


Boys..., originally uploaded by AmsterSam - The Wicked Reflectah.

Unedited shot of a biker in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop :)

I've said many things (mostly nice :) about the girls of Amsterdam and their seemingly endless supply of bike-pedal-powers in the past, I think I might have also mentioned that they look hot when they're rolling by, but I haven't said much about the guys on bikes. This is due to the fact that I am suffering from a birth-defect in regards to my eyesight, I can't see guys, I only see girls wherever I go, lovely and confusing, but a manageable dysfunction, that I integrated into my life and learned to live with. Luckily at least my camera can still detect and capture the male part of the population, or you'd be seeing a little white space here, instead of the wicked reflections that are spoiling your eyes right now, lol ;-P

Is it weekend yet?!

Amsterdam photos

Wicked reflections


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