Sunday 14 November 2010

The Puddle...

Unedited shot of people at the Rokin in Amsterdam, reflected in a puddle. Taken with a borrowed Sony HX1.No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop :)

Another series of puddle pictures shot with that Sony HX1 I've borrowed a couple of times in the last weeks and that I madly fell in love with, I MUST buy this cam, even though I can't afford it at the moment...well, I could buy it, but since I've lived in the Netherlands for a considerable part of my life now, I've been infected with the Dutch virus that forbids us to spend money on anything at all, unless we reallyreally have to, lol ;-D

Maybe I'll organize a guitar from somewhere and make some music in the downtown area for the tourists to collect cash, I'm sure I'd feel less horrible about spending money if it wasn't mine, haha :)))

I've made a movie of that puddle as well, watch it on my YouTube channel, thank you :)


Amsterdam photos

Wicked reflections

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