Friday 16 October 2009

Reflections Of Amsterdam - Global Warming Galore

Unedited mobile phone cam shot of buildings reflected in a puddle in Amsterdam. No editing at all, no tricks, no Photoshop :)

I get a lot of comments from people on Flickr and other places on the Interwebs, but also in real life, about the wickedness of my puddle reflections, they ask me 'How do you do that?', 'What software do you use', 'How can a mobile take pictures like this?' and my answer is always 'I don't know!', 'No software, no editing' and 'I think my phone is crazy!' because I'm simply amazed myself, I don't know why my photos are the way they are (very wicked) and I can only assume that I am a freakin' Genius and that Me&Mobie are a match made in Photography-heaven, lol ;-P

I love looking at my puddle pictures, every time I manage to snap some shots on my way to work or to the supermarket or elsewhere (I don't have time to take photos, so I always do it on the fly, quickly, while going some place) and upload them to my PC, I spend hours staring at them in awe, kissing my phone and thinking to myself 'Not bad for a boy with a mobile phone'...I know I sound like I'm full of myself (well, I am, but for other reasons, hehe ;), but I don't consider myself an Artist or a Photographer, those are big words and I wouldn't dare applying them to the thing that I do, I mean after all these are just some wet spots, captured with a freakin' phone, hehe :)

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I am grateful for the rain, for what my mobile phone allows me to do with it and that there are so many of you that appreciate the outcome as much as I do, thank you all so very much for all your lovely comments, encouraging words and all the Love, without you this would be just half the fun, thank you, thank you, thank you :)))

On October the 4th a new Art exhibition started at the 'ABC Treehouse' in Amsterdam, featuring 10 of my wicked puddle reflections :D

The theme is "AMS * NYC * AMS an artistic look at a 400 year affair". Exhibition and Special Events, 4 October – 29 November 2009. At the ABC Treehouse, Voetboogstraat 11, 1012XK Amsterdam (the link goes to Google Maps)

Public viewing hours: Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Time 13h00 to 18h00. Free admission.

My photos are up for sale during the exhibition, buy them, it's good for you, and me :D

More wicked reflections

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