Friday 17 January 2014

...You Can...

Unedited water reflection of Amsterdam. Taken with a Sony HX200V. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop :)

You might not know this, but you can be and do anything that you want, because it's your world! Yes, it is! You can do what really want to and what you love, there is no limit, if you can imagine it, you can do it! I know, this sounds easy, but in reality there are all these obstacles in your path towards happiness, satisfaction and a self-chosen profession, so let me tell you a little secret: the only thing stopping you from doing what you love doing is you! Your own mind will tell you that it's impossible to be ecstatically happy while following your heart, but that's a lie...the mind wants to chatter and it wants to tell you exactly why and how you can't do this or that...stop listening, start doing, it works :)

P.s. If you are in town, go and visit my Solo Expo at the cafe 'Van de Buurt' in the west of Amsterdam, it'll continue until the end of February and you can get a real 'AmsterSam' photo for as little as €3 :)

Amsterdam photos

Wicked reflections

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