Friday 19 August 2011


In..., originally uploaded by AmsterS@m - The Wicked Reflectah.

Slightly edited shot of the lovely Miss A in Amsterdam, reflected on the hood of a car. Taken with my HTC Desire mobile phone. No editing besides some playing around with contrast and saturation, no magic tricks, no Photoshop :)

It's Friday, my weekend started and the sun is shining, yay! To celebrate this, I've decided to spoil you with some wicked car reflections of the lovely Miss A, you might remember her from our bike trips to Germany in April and June this year. Miss A is not just looking fine, she's also fit like a Gladiator, she loves climbing and running and hiking, and her biggest wish is to get thrown out of a flying plane with nothing but a piece of cloth strapped to her back to stop her from falling to the ground with the speed of light, in one word, she's a daredevil, beware if you see her approaching on her bike, hahaha :D

Amsterdam photos

Wicked reflections

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