Wednesday 3 August 2011


The..., originally uploaded by AmsterS@m - The Wicked Reflectah.

Unedited shot of a tourist biker in Amsterdam. Taken with my Sony HX1.

I have to say, I do admire the spirit of the visitors of the best city in the world, they just rent a bike, hop on and cycle through Amsterdam, often without having been on a bike since their childhood, not being scared off by the trams, cars, trucks and native bikers, who can, as a combined team, scare the bejesus out of the toughest souls when they approach from all sides, seemingly trying to kill everything in their path. You'll also have to consider that most of those biking tourists are probably high as kites from smoking our formidable weed&hash, probably also the first time for them in years and years or maybe even their whole life, causing them to experience their vacation as a blur of faces&places, and an airy feeling of detachment...actually, that doesn't sound so bad, we should charge people extra for using our streets for their personal entertainment in such ruthless ways, lol :D

Amsterdam photos

Wicked reflections

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