Tuesday, 20 July 2010

The ClusterF**k

Slightly edited mobile phone cam shot of Me&Mobie, reflected on the logo of a car in Amsterdam. Taken with my C905 phone. No editing besides some added contrast&saturation, no magic tricks, no Photoshop :)

A while ago I mentioned that I am currently facing some challenges in my life that I'd rather not have to deal with and many of you sent me their best wishes and good vibes to overcome these hard times, and for a moment it looked as if it helped, but then things got worse, much worse and I had some days where I really started doubting myself and my sanity, until I realized that it's not me, it's them, trying to ClusterF**k me and my infantile mind! The System, the Rulers, the Masters, the Men in Black, whatever you call them, it was them messing me around like some little hand puppet and all I could do was watch and learn, unable to defend myself, paralyzed by a barrage of beatings life dealt me, wondering why, and trying to figure out how to move on to happier days, and I think I found a way, but it's a bit like walking through complete darkness with just a candle, burning your fingers while illuminating only the very nearest of your surrounding, leaving you in doubt if the next step might take you tumbling down into an endless black abyss, never to be seen again...oh my, sorry, I got carried away, hahaha :D

To sum it up: Life threw me some rocks and I didn't duck on time, my bad, won't happen again...big effing deal S@m, there are people with real problems out there, get over it, suck it up, bike it off, do whatever it takes and never forget, everything's gonna be alright...the same goes for all of you as well of course :)

More AmsterS@m Self shots

More wicked reflections


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