Friday 30 July 2010

AlienS@m - I Come In Peace!

Unedited shot of myself looking like an Alien, reflected on the spare wheel of a car in Amsterdam. Taken with my C905 phone. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop :)

Thank God it's Friday!!! This week has been horrible and I am extremely glad that it's over now...during all the misery I've experienced in the last days/weeks/months, I was vigorously working on setting the course towards a better, brighter future, taking steps I've been planning to take for years and years, but was too lazy to put into action, and now, it turned out, I am too late, missed some deadlines, didn't take some delays into account and didn't remember the inherent inactivity and lethargy most people in this lovely country will display if it's not their own well-being at stake (we even have a word for it, it's called 'Onverschilligheid', meaning literally 'I wouldn't pee on you if you were on fire', works really well for a lot of Dutch people)...sounds probably more dramatic than it is, I tend to overreact and take things too seriously and I can assure you that in the not too distant future I will be just fine and dandy again, like I used to be, probably even finer and dandier than I've been in a looong time :)))

Have a great Friday, take it easy!

More AmsterS@m Self shots

More wicked reflections

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