Monday 9 April 2012


A church reflected in a puddle in Amsterdam. Taken with my Sony HX1. No editing, no magic tricks, no Photoshop :)

I hope that you've had a wonderful, relaxing Easter weekend, spent with lots of easy-goingness and plenty of good food, I know I did. Now it's Monday again, but instead of rushing to work, most of us are off for another beautiful day of doing nothing at all, a special delight and pleasure that we all are able to appreciate and cherish I think...and now you know what my week usually feels like :)

I am usually off every Friday (not since the beginning of February, but soon again, lucky me :) and my life is centered and revolves around the fact that I can say at any given time 'Almost weekend!' and it's even true, lol. I can only recommend working 4 or less days, and not the usual 5 that the slavemasters want you to put into the grind...have a look at your contract, talk to your HR department, give it a try, imagine having a long weekend like this one every week, your life would be much better, mine for sure is, and I'm reallyreally longing for and looking forward to the very near future when I can enjoy that luxury and leisure again :)

P.s. One week ago I've started posting 1 photo a day, instead of the usual 3, but it didn't work, I felt like a drug addict who only got a part of his needed fix, so I'm back to 3 pics on a daily basis...damn you Interwebs, you got me hooked, hahaha ;D

Amsterdam photos

Wicked reflections

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