Friday 30 September 2011


Slightly edited shot of a woman on her bike in Amsterdam. Taken with my Sony HX1.

When I heard earlier this week that the weather is going to be really nice, I decided to take Thursday off from work, to be able to enjoy this unexpected rush of Indian Summer coming upon us, and what a good idea that was! Yesterday I lazily biked through the best city in the world with my camera and shot the other people making the most out of a perfect Summer day, and what better place for that than the world-famous Dam square?! I just love the international mix of locals and visitors, the pretty girls and hot women, the colors, the movement, the excitement, it's just lovely. Today I intend to hop on my bike again and waste away another day in my beloved hometown Amsterdam, if you're somewhere out there, watch out for my snap-happy cam, or you might end up on the Interwebs, lol :D

Thank God it's Friday!

I've made 2 movies of the action on the Dam too, check them out on my YouTube channel, thank you :)

Movie 1
Movie 2

Amsterdam photos

Wicked reflections

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